Download the Firefox Showcase extension to have a thumbnail of your open tabs. Check the “View” menu once you have installed it to use it, or just press F12.
It was almost 3:30am and his eyes had just opened from a short 10 second nap he didn’t foresee coming, The painter was exhausted All day he was working on a very intricate painting, with hundreds of details to keep track off, he was a perfectionist and as he went to bed and lay in […]
This is one of the oldest self made t-shirts. I was constantly pissed at the amount of spam email I was receiving, and I thought some of the subjects were really eye catching for t-shirts. For a few months I thought maybe I could make money on the creativity of spammers by mocking them with […]
Otro tip mas es el comando cal Este comando muestra un calendario, muy util cuando quieres ver el calendario, ahi mismo. /home/usuario # cal December 2004 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 […]