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Episodio 0062 – Con el iPhone en la mano
Agreganos a tu iTunes | Download en mp3 | Suscribete a este podcast | Skypeanos En este episodio hablamos sobre los pros y contras del iPhone, algunos “casos de uso” no soportados por el iPhone, un review del nuevo servicio de Kevin Rose Pownce (se dice “Pauns”) Este episodio en vivo con La Tati, via […]
Our Brain is First-Class simulation software
I’m fascinated by the concept of “reality”, and lately I’ve seen and read from different authors references about the subject. Most recently I read a passage from Richard Dawkins on his book “The God Delusion” that deals with reality. The human brain runs first-class simulation software. Our eyes don’t present to our brains a faithful […]
Check the Top 10 Linux Commands you can’t live without
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