Joost v1.1 available, now with live streaming

A new Joost Client has just been made available.

I write about it because this version makes available to the public a new feature that’s pretty interesting…


Let’s all give it a try and see how good it is, how many simulataneous users it can hold, and if it will really do p2p relay of the live stream to other users. I’m personally very curious to see if this will work or not.

Other features of Joost 1.1 include:

  • Invitation System included inside the client
  • Joost Link Sharing
  • It’s more resistant to poor connections
  • Redesign of the User Interface (Explore, Search Improvements)

You can read in detail each of these new features on the Joost Release Notes page.

This is an interesting move, specially after hearing YouTube speaking about live streaming coming out soon. Some especulate youtube might purchase the streaming technology from another company

5 thoughts on “Joost v1.1 available, now with live streaming

  1. Oh my god, this is so much better than Zattoo which looks like an old lame duck from pre-pre-historic times. The quality is comparable to Livestation, however they don’t have any *real* live TV channels on the system yet. But that will come. CBS will be among the first ones.

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