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Catarsis post elecciones.
Lo primero que voy a decir es lo siguiente: BULLSHIT No voy a salir a decir lo “politicamente correcto”, voy a hablar lo que tengo en la mente, lo que considero mi realidad ante lo sucedido. Nos sacaron el mismo truco del referendum, nos voltearon los resultados, nos hicieron trampa, nos pusieron a votar un […]
Of Why Chavez wanted to loose the referendum
Here’s my humble conspiracy theory of why it was in Chavez’s best interests to loose the referendum. Weeks ago I heard that when Iraq announced that they’d be selling their oil in a currency different than the dollar, say, Euros, that was the trigger for the Bush administration to link 911 with them and conquer […]
Who needs record labels anymore?
884,000 views in 8 days. Adele- Rolling In The Deep (Cover) With undeniable Talent, Good recording equipment, HD Camera, YouTube account and a vision for business the world is ready to meet a lot of content creators thanks to the enabling technology for creation and distribution of media that is leveling the playfield for more […]
Es quiza una de las mejores explicaciones de lo sucedido e incluso, es un batacaso al comandante presidente de Venezuela, para ver si aprende a que la altaneria se la puede dejar su mujer si es que tiene.