Survived driving a snowstorm on a dark icy road up and down in the rockies for about 40 miles. Now at outback eating. # Raul Castro new president of Cuba? Omg? what a fucking surprise!! # hmm, No country for old man, it was pretty good, but didn’t see that one coming. # Stage6 bites […]
What’s mybloop? It’s potentially a free CDN for every web master in the world. # @huguito: Voy a citarte en el blog de MyBloop! # Post sobre quote de Huguito -> # Termino de escuchar el Top 10 del billboard en # Instale el toolbar de para monitorear como pierdo el tiempo. […]
Last night I saw this on my blog and other pages where I have Google Analytics installed to be let down by the amount of visitors that come from links seeded in Twitter feeds. The graphics above represent the amount of visits sent to my blog during the last 12 months from and […]