Get in the zone with me for a good 15 minutes, maybe you’ll catch a few eclipse tricks and you’ll learn a little bit about how I think (and make mistakes along the way of fixing something on FrostWire)
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Google’s Chrome, no extensions? then no go
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t read any mention of Browser extensions on the chrome document, I read about plugins (these are more like Flash plugin and what not), but nothing about extensions. This probably means: – No StumbleUpon toolbar 🙁 (I’m a addict, I feel crippled with chrome because of […]
Quede de 41 en mi division calificatoria de Latin GCJ 2007
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ubuntu packages for a kick ass web server
Copy and paste the following list on a file, say “packages.txt”. To install all just do: sudo apt-get install $(cat packages.txt) accountsservice acpid adduser ant ant-optional apache2-utils apparmor apport apport-symptoms apt apt-transport-https apt-utils apt-xapian-index aptitude at base-files base-passwd bash bash-completion bc bind9-host bsdmainutils bsdutils busybox-initramfs busybox-static byobu bzip2 ca-certificates ca-certificates-java cloud-init cloud-initramfs-growroot cloud-initramfs-rescuevol cloud-utils command-not-found […]