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Thougts about world domination
After seeing Zeitgeist – The Movie, 2007 a couple times, these are the thougts in my mind. World Bankers use: Myths: Religions (which go untaxed, and collect billions of dollars) Terrorism (the faceless and impossible to beat enemy we can chase forever) Distractions: Media (controlled press, movies) Consumist Culture (a lot of people have no […]
Our Brain is First-Class simulation software
I’m fascinated by the concept of “reality”, and lately I’ve seen and read from different authors references about the subject. Most recently I read a passage from Richard Dawkins on his book “The God Delusion” that deals with reality. The human brain runs first-class simulation software. Our eyes don’t present to our brains a faithful […]
Bible should come with a disclaimer
Mirroring a post that I saw today at… Absolutely true, it should come with that big sticker on the front.